Breast Cancer

​Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in New Zealand women and the most common form of cancer in women worldwide.

Every year, 3,300 women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer in New Zealand and one in nine women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in New Zealand throughout their lives.

Breast Cancer affects women of all ages

About 70% of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer and about 80% of women who die from it are 50 years or older. But Breast Cancer can also affect younger women too.

It is often said that Breast Cancer is uncommon in young women but around 350 women diagnosed with Breast Cancer are under the screening age of 45.

Know the signs of Breast Cancer

60% of young women don’t know the signs beyond a lump. There is a range of symptoms that can be missed because most women focus on feeling for lumps.

Breast Cancer is survivable and treatable if it can be diagnosed and treated early.

Boob Checking Cards

These free downloadable cards can be printed off, cut up and shared. They show you the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and encourage you to know what is normal for your boobs, so that you can identify what isn't normal. 

Boob Health Education PPT

This FREE downloadable PPT will enable you to have healthy conversations with your students around breast cancer, how to check, signs and symptoms and how to reduce risks.

Facts about Breast Cancer

It can affect anyone

95% of all breast cancers occur by chance with only 5 to 10% of diagnosis linked to genetics mutations.

Breast Screening

New Zealand has a free screening programme for women 45 years and older. You can have a mammogram earlier but you will have to pay for it. Breast density is the reason why younger women are not included in screening programmes so regular self-checking and knowing your normal is essential. 

Know your family history

If you have a family history of breast cancer, speak to your GP about how you can be more informed about possible early screening and surveillance.

Breast cancer affects men too

Each year around 30 men are diagnosed in New Zealand.

The sad statistics

Tragically, more than 600 women die of the disease every year in New Zealand.

Early detection is your best protection

80% of people with breast cancer survive 10 years or more (92% if detected on a screening mammogram). Self checking is recommended once a month around the same time every month in order to notice any changes. Know what is normal for you, so you can identify what isn't. If you notice any chances from your normal, see a medical professional immediately.